Simone de Beauvoir

Monday, July 12, 2010

A First! So What's Next?

Having read my first book by Madame de Beauvoir and recorded my thoughts, I find myself excited at the prospect of a new challenge:  reading all eight of the books currently in my possession written by Simone de Beauvoir. 

Hardly an arduous task, but one that finds me trying to decide which one to start.  My collection--don't I sound like a bibliophile--of de Beauvoir consists of the following:

A Very Easy Death
All Said and Done
Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter
The Prime of Life

The Woman Destroyed
After the War Force of Circumstance
Force of Circumstance volume II
When Things of the Spirit Come First

So, beloved readers, if you have a preference or would care to encourage me to one particular book or another, I'd be forever in your gratitude.  At this moment, I think I may try Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter since it might flow nicely after the post about A Very Easy Death.  I can't help but be intrigued by The Woman Destroyed simply because of its title.

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